El Perú frente a los procesos de integración en los noventa

  • Alan Fairlie Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú


This paper develops an overview about the complex group of intemational simultaneous negotiations of Peru. The paper looks for a first group view vision of them. The Peruvian participation in these agreements is different in terms of compromises, because of its position in each scheme of  integration and the weight we have in them. As we know, there are most pronounced asymmetries inner each block about the leve1 of development and advantages, that takes us to analyze the commitments maintained in each of the agreements in terms of schedules and schemes of liberalization.


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How to Cite
Fairlie, A. (1999). El Perú frente a los procesos de integración en los noventa. Economia, 22(44), 61-101. https://doi.org/10.18800/economia.199902.002