Using wavelets in applied electromagnetics : an algorithm for efficient pattern synthesis of linear aperture antennas

  • Íñigo Cuiñas Gómez Universidad de Vigo
  • Luis Landesa Universidad de Vigo
  • Marcos Rodríguez Pino Universidad de Vigo
Palabras clave: electromagnetismo, radiación, ondículas, antenas


Pattern synthesis of linear aperture antennas is a classical problem in Applied Electromagnetics with a great number of resolving methods. In this paper, a new algorithm that uses wavelets to compute the solution is presented. The new method reaches a good approximation of the aperture field from the antenna radiation pattern, using the Haar wavelet basis. Results prove the performance of the proposed method.


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Cómo citar
Cuiñas Gómez, Íñigo, Landesa, L., & Rodríguez Pino, M. (1998). Using wavelets in applied electromagnetics : an algorithm for efficient pattern synthesis of linear aperture antennas. Pro Mathematica, 12(23-24), 23-45. Recuperado a partir de