The Crystallization of Collective Bargaining with Wage Content in the Public Sector: the Transit from Prohibition to Reasonable Restriction in the Light of Budget Rules

  • Iván Blume Moore Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

    Asociado senior del Estudio Rodrigo, Elías & Medrano Abogados. Master of Industrial and Labor Relations (MPS), Cornell University. Abogado por la Universidad Católica del Perú.

Keywords: Collective bargaining, Constitutional labor law, Public labor law, Budget law, Public interest


The right to collectively negotiate salaries afforded to Public Employees has been a longstanding controversy in our country. Especially, in the light of the prohibitions established by Budget Laws. However, this conflict has been recently resolved by the Constitutional Court. This decision marks a fundamental landmark for Labor Law because it crystallizes the right of public employee to collectively bargain salaries with the State. In this article, the author recount the path travelled by the Constitutional Court in this field, that is, from the absolute prohibitions to a reasonable restriction in the pursue to achieve balance between this right and the public interest at stake. 


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How to Cite
Blume Moore, I. (2016). The Crystallization of Collective Bargaining with Wage Content in the Public Sector: the Transit from Prohibition to Reasonable Restriction in the Light of Budget Rules. Derecho & Sociedad, (46), 357-366. Retrieved from