Fundamental rights and the proportionality principle

  • Giorgio Pino Universidad de Palermo

    Profesor ordinario de Filosofía del Derecho en la Universidad de Palermo. Doctor en Derechos Humanos por la Universidad de Palermo. Magister por la European Academy of Legal Theory de Bruslea y la Universidad de Bologna.

Keywords: Fundamental rights, limitations of rights, proportionality


The paper assesses the widespread use of the test of proportionality in fundamental rights adjudication. While constitutional and human rights courts all over the world appear to be consistently engaged in deploying the test of proportionality in order to assess the permissibility of a given rights limitation, this approach is under severe criticism insofar as it is considered an attack to the very idea of fundamental rights. The paper will discuss this criticism of the use of proportionality, and will provide a defense of its use by courts in light of some basic features of the contemporary discourse of fundamental rights.


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How to Cite
Pino, G. (2017). Fundamental rights and the proportionality principle. Derecho & Sociedad, (48), 199-211. Retrieved from