The Labor Law and the Sharing Economy

  • Luis Lizama Portal Universidad de Chile

    Abogado y Magíster en Derecho por la Universidad de Chile. Director del Departamento de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social de la Universidad de Chile. 

  • Diego Lizama Castro Abogado por la Universidad de Chile
Keywords: Labor law, Sharing economy, Digital platforms of assets, Digital platforms of services, Subordination, Dependence, Right to control test


In this article the authors develop the issue about if it is generated a right of control between employer and employee and thereby an employment relationship on Sharing Economy. For this purpose, the authors analyze diverse concepts from Labor Law and Sharing Economy, to finally apply the test that they consider to be appropriate to assess the existence of an employment relationship on these markets. The importance of the article is clear, since both nationally and internationally is currently being discussed if in this economic phenomenon an employment relationship is generated.


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How to Cite
Lizama Portal, L., & Lizama Castro, D. (2020). The Labor Law and the Sharing Economy. Derecho & Sociedad, (53), 207-219. Retrieved from