COBO SJ., Bemabé, History of the Inca Empire. An account of the Indians custom and their origin with a treatise on Inca legends, history, and social institutions; translated and edited by Roland Hamilton. Foreword· by John Rowe.University of Texas Press, Austin and London, 1979; XXII, 279 págs.

  • Franklin Pease Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú


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Cómo citar
Pease, F. (1981). COBO SJ., Bemabé, History of the Inca Empire. An account of the Indians custom and their origin with a treatise on Inca legends, history, and social institutions; translated and edited by Roland Hamilton. Foreword· by John Rowe.University of Texas Press, Austin and London, 1979; XXII, 279 págs. Histórica, 5(1), 119-121.