Controllability of linear systems on non-abelian compact lie groups

  • Erdal Gül Yildiz Technical University
Palabras clave: teoría del control, Grupos de Lie, Álgebras de Lie


In this paper, we shall deal with a linear control system defined on a Lie group G with Lie algebra L(G). We prove that, if G is a compact connected Lie group, then the vector fields associated to dynamic of are conservative, and that if G is also non-Abelian then, by using Poincare Theorem, is transitive if and only if it is controllable.


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Cómo citar
Gül, E. (1998). Controllability of linear systems on non-abelian compact lie groups. Pro Mathematica, 12(23-24), 17-22. Recuperado a partir de