Martuccelli, Danilo. Lima and its arenas. Social powers and cultural hierarchies. Lima: Causces Editores, 2015, 326 pp.

  • Alejandro Mijail Mitrovic Pease Pontifica Universidad Católica del Perú

    Mikhail Mitrovic Pease (Lima, 1989) has a degree in anthropology from PUCP. He has published texts in some journals from Lima and works as a teacher at the PUCP, the Corriente Alterna school and the Image Center. He is currently investigating the intersections between art history and political history in contemporary Peru. His first book, “Organize failure. Art and politics in the Black Folder ”will be published at the end of the year by Garúa Ediciones. Mail:

Keywords: individualism, political imaginary, miscegenation, fusion, city


Danilo Martuccelli proposes a reading of the processes that make up the individual and collective experience in contemporary Lima. The author argues that sociability in Lima is articulated through an informal matrix that structures the city as multiple arenas of conflict that determine the viability of a new citizen project.


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How to Cite
Mitrovic Pease, A. (2016). Martuccelli, Danilo. Lima and its arenas. Social powers and cultural hierarchies. Lima: Causces Editores, 2015, 326 pp. Anthropologica Del Departamento De Ciencias Sociales, 34(37), 197-200.