Sensational sacrifices delighting the senses in the Bolivian Andes

  • Henry Stobart Universidad de Viena

    Professor of Music and Ethnomusicology in the Music Department of the Royal Holloway (University of London). Founder and coordinator of the Latin American Music Seminar in the United Kingdom and associate member of the Institute of Latin American Studies. He completed his doctoral studies at St John’s College, University of Cambridge, for which he investigated the musical practices of a Quechua speaking community located in Potosí, Bolivia. His research interests also include the production of indigenous music videos, intellectual property, music piracy, and cultural policies in Latin America. With the support of a collaboration grant from ACLS, he has investigated heritage declaration issues in Bolivia with anthropologist Michelle Bigenho. His books include Music, Indigeneity, Digital Media (2017), The New (Ethno) Musicologies (2008), and Music and the Poetics of Production in the Bolivian Andes (2006). Henry has also been active as a professional performer with the Early / World music ensemble SIRINU. Mail:

Keywords: Stobart, Potosí, music, feeding, multisensoriality, charango


Through extensive ethnographic work, Stobart reviews the links between food production and material and intangible culture production. This article is a good example of the theoretical and empirical strength on which his work is based. In it, very suggestively, Stobart examines the multisensory implications of musical reception in the Macha region, north of Potosí, during the holiday periods. With pleasant and acute prose, Stobart reviews the cultural links between music, sexuality and food, as well as between visual and auditory perceptions to finally focus on the relationships between musical practices, religious offerings and the climate of the Potosian region. Taking the notion of synesthesia in anthropology, Stobart analyzes a rich ethnographic material and brings us closer to indigenous conceptions of the Andes hitherto unheard of for us. A text that, without a doubt, will promote similar approaches to the indigenous music of the Peruvian Andes.


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How to Cite
Stobart, H. (2018). Sensational sacrifices delighting the senses in the Bolivian Andes. Anthropologica Del Departamento De Ciencias Sociales, 36(40), 197-224.