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  • BiblioPUCP
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  • 360: Revista de Ciencias de la Gestión
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  • Agenda Internacional
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  • Alexandría: Revista de Ciencias de la Información
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  • Anthropía
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  • Anthropologica del Departamento de Ciencias Sociales
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  • Areté
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  • Boletín de Arqueología PUCP
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  • Canalé
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  • Civilizate
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  • Conexión
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  • Contabilidad y Negocios
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  • Debates en Sociología
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  • Derecho & Sociedad
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  • Derecho PUCP
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  • Economia
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  • Económica
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  • Educacion
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  • Electro Electrónica
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  • En Blanco y Negro
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  • Ensayo: Revista de arquitectura, urbanismo y territorio
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  • Espacio y Desarrollo
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  • Estudios de Filosofía
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  • Foundations
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  • Foro Jurídico
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  • Histórica
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  • Internacia: Revista de relaciones internacionales
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  • Investiga Territorios
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  • Ius Inter Gentes
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  • La Colmena
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  • Lexis
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  • Memoria Gráfica
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  • Pensamiento Constitucional
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  • Politai
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  • Pro Mathematica
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  • Strategia
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  • Textos Arte
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  • THEMIS Revista de Derecho
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    Request the following roles.
  • Revista A - Arquitectura PUCP
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  • Revista de Actualidad Mercantil
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  • Revista Arte y Diseño A&D
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  • Revista de Derecho Administrativo
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  • Revista Espinela
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  • Revista Figuración
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  • Revista del Instituto Riva-Agüero
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  • Kaylla Journal of Performing Arts
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  • Revista Kawsaypacha: Sociedad y Medio Ambiente
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  • Revista Lidera
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  • Revista de la Maestría en Derecho Procesal
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  • Revista de Psicología
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  • Revista de Química
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