El grado de orientación pro-pobre de las políticas económicas peruanas: una revisión bibliográfica

  • Pedro Francke Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
  • Waldo Mendoza Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Keywords: Bibliography balance, Economic policies, Pro-poor growth, Poverty, Peru


This paper is a balance of the Peruvian economic policies, taken by government inthe last decade. We focus on determining, based on the available literature, whetheror not these polices have improved the economic well-being of poor people. Furthermore,this balance allow us to give the agenda for future research on these areas, aswell as to shed some light about the pro-poor necessary policies.

There are several policies that have been taken into account in this balance. Macroeconomicpolicies; trade and investment policies; specific sector promotion policies(agriculture, industry and mining sector); labor (both formal and informal), capitaland land markets; regulation of goods and services markets (telecommunications andelectricity); taxation policies; public expenditure; security and risk management mechanismsand, finally, regional policies.


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How to Cite
Francke, P., & Mendoza, W. (2005). El grado de orientación pro-pobre de las políticas económicas peruanas: una revisión bibliográfica. Economia, 28(55-56), 80-81. https://doi.org/10.18800/economia.200501.001