Impact of Taxes, Transfers, and Subsidies on Income Distributionand Poverty in Argentina

  • Dario Rossignolo University of Buenos Aires
    Faculty of Economic Sciences.
    Faculty of Economic Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
Keywords: Taxes, Public Spending, Inequality, Poverty


This study evaluates the impact of direct and indirect taxes, as well as public expenditure on transfers (monetary and in-kind, economic subsidies, healthcare, and education), on income distribution and poverty in Argentina. It utilizes a standard fiscal incidence analysis and combines data from the Permanent Household Survey (EPH) and the National Household Expenditure Survey (ENGHo). The findings indicate that fiscal policy has been a powerful instrument in reducing inequality and poverty. However, unusually high levels of public spending could potentially render the programs unsustainable.


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How to Cite
Rossignolo, D. (2023). Impact of Taxes, Transfers, and Subsidies on Income Distributionand Poverty in Argentina. Economia, 46(92), 62-124.