Estimation of the true suicide in Ecuador

  • Klaus-Dieter Gorenc Universidad Autónoma de México
    Investigador nacional (México)
  • Saúl Pacurucu Universidad Autónoma de México
    Director del Posgrado de Psiquiatría, Universidad de Cuenca,
  • Carlos Bruner Universidad Autónoma de México
    Investigador nacional (México), Departamento de Psicología Experimental, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Autónoma de México
Keywords: suicide, adults, Ecuador


The official statistical records on suicide are not reliable due to an under reporring of suicide cases. Considering that the true suicide count is the sum of the officia/ record plus the obscure cipher, an attempt was made to estimare the latter using a simple proporcional imputation formula. The official statistical records were re-analysed under the following racional: the category of violent death caused by acccident or intention, but where it could not be established for cerrain, served as a reservoir that contained the obscure cipher. Using this indirect technique, it was possible to determine that the percentage mean of the obscure suicide cipher (1970-1974) is lower than the showed in the literature.


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How to Cite
Gorenc, K.-D., Pacurucu, S., & Bruner, C. (1994). Estimation of the true suicide in Ecuador. Revista De Psicología, 12(2), 83-104.