La acústica de lo abstracto en el universo simbólico de la danza Odissi
observaciones de una cartografía sonora para la composición de videoescenas
This work proposes reflections on the process of creating videoscenes, a concept of Dance, Theater, and Technology, developed by Andraus (2021). Based on the observational experience, both from walking around the city of Aurangabad, India, and from participation with the group of Odissi dancers during the doctoral internship in Performing Arts, at MGM University, throughout the first semester of 2023, acoustic cartography emerges. I thus describe this compositional process, taking as reference the concepts of soundscape by Schafer (1991; 1997), sound research by Feld (2018), acoustics by Seeger (2015), aesthetic path by Careri (2017), as well as of the technique and theory of Odissi dance and musicality — a language that constitutes my main performance and training technique. The abstract symbolism presented in the aforementioned cartography brought new compositional possibilities and creative openings so that layers of sound and body movement, superimposed in editing, created dance dialogues in spaces of sound and silence in the technological environment of the videoscene.
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