Sports arbitration: the tribunal arbitral du sport’s experience

  • Nicolás Rosero Espinosa Bullard Falla Ezcurra +

    Abogado. Profesor Adjunto del curso Destreza legal en la Facultad de Derecho de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Profesor Adjunto del curso de Comunicación Jurídica Eficaz en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Asistente de docencia en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Asesor paralegal en la firma 1493 S.A.S. de Consultoría Legal Internacional (Bogotá D.C.). Asociado del Estudio Bullard Falla Ezcurra +.

Keywords: Arbitration, Tribunal Arbitral Du Sport, Sport arbitration, Lex sportiva, Fédération Internationale de Football Association


Often arbitration has been closely related to issues that are likely to be arbitrated, including commercial, corporate or investment matters.
However, the sporting matter has been less related to arbitration issues.
In the present article, a relatively new and very interesting issue is develop: the sport arbitration, which has been gaining space in various sport organizations to become an instrument of great importance in the sports world. In this way, the author, through the experience of the Tribunal Arbitral Du Sport, shows us the way that sports arbitration has followed, its strengths, its composition and the importance it has achieved in these issues until forging an integral and solid relationship between arbitration and sport.


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How to Cite
Rosero Espinosa, N. (2017). Sports arbitration: the tribunal arbitral du sport’s experience. THEMIS Revista De Derecho, (71), 33-46.