The impact of the new organizational forms of the economy based on technological means in the world of work

  • Cecilia Calderón Paredes Garrigues

    Abogada. Magíster en Derecho de las Transacciones Internacionales por el Centro de Estudios Garrigues y la Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, España. Ha seguido estudios de especialización en la Pontifi cia Universidad Católica del Perú y en la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Asociada Senior del Estudio Garrigues.
    Contacto: cecilia.calderó

Keywords: on-demand economy, digital platforms, work relationship, subordination


The Congress of the Republic of Peru has received two bills with the purpose of including legal  relationships composed of digital platforms, the companies involved and those who provide services for these platforms within the scope of Labor Law Regulations as a way to prevent them from being improperly excluded from such application of the law.
This article explores the concept of on-demand economy and the economy’s new organizational methods that has been propelled by technological advances in the world of work and examines them through the review of international jurisprudence.


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How to Cite
Calderón Paredes, C. (2019). The impact of the new organizational forms of the economy based on technological means in the world of work. THEMIS Revista De Derecho, (75), 237-253.