Resources and Constraints of the Work of Political Journalists in Information Enterprises

  • Gerardo Caballero Rojas Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

    Licenciado en Periodismo y Magíster en Sociología por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP). Es docente de la Facultad de Ciencias y Artes de la Comunicación del mismo centro de estudios. Tras doce años de experiencia en el periodismo político, hoy se dedica a la comunicación política, que es precisamente uno de sus campos de interés, como también lo son los medios de comunicación y el uso de redes sociales digitales para la movilización social y los procesos políticos.

Keywords: Political journalism, information enterprise, mass media, journalism, politics


This article describes how, in the current media context, political journalists who work in an informative company receive, on the one hand, material resources that help them to carry out their work but, on the other hand, they are subject to a series of constraints, which we have defined in two types: corporate constraints, which are related to the capitalist business nature of the media, editorial constraints, which are linked to political preferences or sympathies. To better understand these resources and constraints, we interviewed four journalists from the Politics section of a Peruvian  information company, who describe their work routines.


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How to Cite
Caballero Rojas, G. (2019). Resources and Constraints of the Work of Political Journalists in Information Enterprises. Conexión, (11), 127-145.