Latindex is the result of cooperation among a network of coordinated institutions working to gather and disseminate bibliographic information on scientific publications produced in the region. |
Dialnet is a platform designed by the Dialnet Foundation and publishes the scientific production of different Latin American universities. |
DOAJ is an online directory that indexes and provides access to peer-reviewed journals of recognized academic quality with open-access content. |
Google database that works as a search engine. It ranks academic documents according to their impact. |
Matriz de Información para el Análisis de Revistas (MIAR) (Journal Analysis Information Matrix) is a database that aims to establish the identification and evaluation of journals annually. |
LatinREV is a Latin American network of academic journals and associations focused on Social Sciences and Humanities. It was established by the State and Public Policy Area and the “Enzo Faletto” Social Sciences Library of FLACSO Argentina. |