Discourse and Anti-Communist Ideology in Lima’s Popular Press During the 2021 Presidential Runoff

  • Gerardo Alonso Caballero Rojas Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

    Licenciado en Periodismo y magíster en Sociología por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Es docente del curso Proyecto de Periodismo en la misma casa de estudios. Además, es diplomado en Comunicación Política y Electoral, y actualmente cursa un máster en Comunicación Transmedia. Cuenta con cerca de 12 años de experiencia en el periodismo político y más de cuatro años en la comunicación de gobierno. Sus áreas de interés se relacionan con los medios de comunicación, las redes sociales y la comunicación política.

Keywords: Peru, General Elections 2021, Journalistic discourse, Anti-communist ideology, Popular press, Sensationalism


This article studies the role of the sensationalist popular press during the campaign for the second electoral round carried out in Peru between April and June 2021. For this, the journalistic discourse on the front pages of the newspapers Trome and Ojo is analyzed, which are the two popular newspapers of the largest media conglomerate in the country, the El Comercio Group. The study identifies in the discourse on the covers of Trome and Ojo—whose agendas are traditionally devoted to police news, entertainment and sports—the presence of what Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman (1988/1995) call anti-communist ideology. Through it, they sought to associate candidate Pedro Castillo with “communism” or “chavismo”, and present him as the worst of evils. The discourse of these popular newspapers was oriented to associate their idea of communism with terrorism, violence and hatred, and, at the same time, contrast it with those of democracy, peace and freedom. Furthermore, both Trome and Ojo repeatedly disqualify Pedro Castillo’s economic proposals and associate their own idea of communism with poverty and hunger.


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How to Cite
Caballero Rojas, G. (2023). Discourse and Anti-Communist Ideology in Lima’s Popular Press During the 2021 Presidential Runoff. Conexión, (18), 61-98. https://doi.org/10.18800/conexion.202202.003