Digital Transformation of the Art Market: Challenges and Opportunities

  • Susana Navarro Hospinal EFAP / ICART. École des Métiers de la Comunication

    Magíster en Dirección de Proyectos Culturales por la Université Sorbonne Nouvelle de París y magíster en Historia del Arte y Curaduría por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Obtuvo su MBA en Marketing Digital & Business -Art et Culture en l’École des Métiers de la Communication (EFAP) de París.Curadora de exposiciones de artes visuales independiente y especialista en comunicaciones dentro del sector arte & cultura, con más de cinco años de experiencia en creación de estrategias de comunicación enfocadas en la promoción de las artes visuales. Consultora en comunicaciones para artistas visuales e instituciones culturales.

Keywords: Digital communication, Art market, Digital marketing, Pandemic, Art galleries, Art auction


The art market is a trust-based system and much of this trust is built over time through the reputation of the people involved. It is in this system where the digital is gaining strength, not only to be used as a means of communication, but also to position itself as another player in the system. The pandemic prompted the creation of the online media offer that sells works of art, companies and start-ups that have chosen to create digital platforms of various types for the sale of works. However, can we really talk about a digital transformation of the art market or is it a market that is wary of being immersed in a digital system? It's important to understand the visibility, trust, and transparency issues you face so you can overcome them. This work collects the experience of various actors within the sector.


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How to Cite
Navarro Hospinal, S. (2023). Digital Transformation of the Art Market: Challenges and Opportunities. Conexión, (20), 119-138.