Three-Perspective Approach: Towards a New Configuration of the Photographic Archive

  • Ángel Enrique Colunge Rosales Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

    Docente, investigador y curador. Es magíster en Antropología Visual por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP). Ha desarrollado las investigaciones Fotolibro Talleres de Fotografía Social (TAFOS): Los años formativos (1986-1989) y Representación visual de la violencia en el taller de San Marcos del proyecto TAFOS. Ha curado las exposiciones «La calle es el cielo», en la I Bienal de Fotografía de Lima de 2012; «Del cerro al centro, un recorrido con Daniel Pajuelo», en la Feria de Libro de Bogotá de 2014; «Desencuentros. Bicentenario peruano desde los archivos fotográficos de la PUCP», en 2021; entre otras. En 2023, publicó el libro TAFOS en formación.

Keywords: Archive, Photography, Classification, TAFOS project


The article proposes a new methodology, the three-perspective approach, for the classification of photographs in archives. It is based on the intersection of visual economy and mass communication theory. This approach understands the archive as a relational phenomenon, where images participate in networks of meaning and power. The three perspectives are the sender and production, the image and circulation, and the audience and consumption, all framed within a specific space/time. The methodology is applied to the case study of the TAFOS project collection, active between 1986 and 1998. The approach allows for multiple classifications according to the version of the archive, and opens new ways to explore its communicative and expressive potential. The proposal seeks to strengthen the continuity of photographic archives as living agents decentered from library logic, promoting discursive diversity and resisting totalitarianism that restricts their action and enunciation.


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How to Cite
Colunge Rosales, Ángel E. (2024). Three-Perspective Approach: Towards a New Configuration of the Photographic Archive. Conexión, (21), 15-40.