Digitization, Interpretation and Mediations in the Exhibition “Emilio Díaz. Esplendor del Retrato Fotográfico en Arequipa. 1893-1920”, 2018

  • Sergio Enrique Zúñiga Bardales Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

    Sergio Zúñiga Bardales es licenciado en Publicidad por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) y técnico profesional en fotografía por el Instituto Peruano de Arte y Diseño (IPAD). Actualmente, cursa la maestría en Antropología Visual en la Escuela de Posgrado de la PUCP y es docente a tiempo parcial en la misma universidad. Su perfil académico se enfoca en procesos de digitalización de imágenes y creación de valor en cultura material.

Keywords: Digitization, Digital preservation, Photographic exhibitions, Photographic archives, Emilio Díaz, Arequipa


The digitization of heritage photographic archives is a recurring practice when doing research and exhibitions. These processes are of great importance since, through them, new material culture is created: new digital objects with particular characteristics that are different from the original. The digital objects arise from a technical process, which turns out to be the convergence of different subjectivities and points of view on the photographic object. The digitization is a mediated process by different humans—the curator, conservator-restorer, digitizer—and no-humans—scanners, digital cameras. This contributes to the discussion of how a process that is often considered simply technical and almost objective is actually a performative cocreation between humans and non-humans whose decisions and agency restructure the meaning and value of the archive.


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How to Cite
Zúñiga Bardales, S. E. (2024). Digitization, Interpretation and Mediations in the Exhibition “Emilio Díaz. Esplendor del Retrato Fotográfico en Arequipa. 1893-1920”, 2018. Conexión, (21), 101-131. https://doi.org/10.18800/conexion.202401.004