Collective Photographic Archive and Migrant Landscape: The Latin American Dekasegi Experience in Peri-Urban Japan

  • Marita Ibañez Sandoval Universidad de Tsukuba

    Marita Ibañez Sandoval es investigadora visual. Su trabajo explora las comunidades latinoamericanas en Japón a través del paisaje y las prácticas colaborativas fotomediales. Miembro del grupo de investigación Time Lab, investiga prácticas sostenibles en el cuarto oscuro y la alfabetización visual. Becaria Monbukagakusho del Gobierno de Japón (2019-2024), es doctoranda en Fotomedios del Programa de Doctorado en Arte en la Universidad de Tsukuba y tiene una maestría en Ciencias del Diseño Kansei por la misma universidad; además, es bachiller en Artes Plásticas por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Sus trabajos han sido presentados en diferentes conferencias académicas y exposiciones en ciudades de Latinoamérica, Europa y Asia.

Keywords: Collective photographic archive, Visual methods, Participatory photography, Latin American migration, Dekasegi, Peri-urban Japan


This paper delves into the experiences of the Latin American dekasegi community within the peri-urban landscapes of Japan, specifically in a city in Ibaraki prefecture. The surrounding landscape is documented using participatory visual methods based on photographic practice, such as photowalks and photo elicitation. By exploring the intersection of visual communication, migrant identities, and cross-cultural processes to document the migratory landscape, this study reveals how photography and its participatory use are means to construct and preserve individual and collective memories and generate transparent conversations about the migrant experience. A collective photographic archive from the photowalks in Jōsō offers an insight into transculturality in the Japanese peri-urban landscape, enriching the academic understanding of migration and visual culture. This study emphasizes the importance of participatory visual methods in migration research and the role of photography in the recognition and appreciation of migrant identities and narratives.


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How to Cite
Ibañez Sandoval, M. (2024). Collective Photographic Archive and Migrant Landscape: The Latin American Dekasegi Experience in Peri-Urban Japan. Conexión, (21), 133-165.