The unconstitutional decisions of the Constitutional Court

  • Luis Castillo Córdova Universidad de Piura
    Abogado. Doctor en Derecho por la Universidad de La Coruña, España. Decano de la Facultad de Derecho de laUniversidad de Piura. Docente de la Universidad de Piura y de la Maestría en Derecho Constitucional de la PontificiaUniversidad Católica del Perú. Contacto:
Keywords: Constitutional Law, Constitutional Court, Constituent Power, constitutional interpretation, unconstitutionality, ruling


Can the decisions of a Constitutional Court or Supreme Court be unconstitutional? The answers found in the doctrine and even on constitutionalcase law are not uniform, becoming this question a controversial theme, although   extremely important for Constitutional Law.
In this article, the author, considering that the Constitutional Court is the supreme interpreter and controller of the Constitution and, as such, creates Constitutional Law, maintains that the decisions which the Constitutional Court takes can be unconstitutional. Focusing on the Peruvian legal system, the author also presents alternatives to solve the problem these unconstitutional decisions cause.


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How to Cite
Castillo Córdova, L. (2015). The unconstitutional decisions of the Constitutional Court. THEMIS Revista De Derecho, (67), 277-291. Retrieved from