Investigaciones en Cerro del Oro, valle de Cañete

  • Mario Ruales Instituto Nacional de Cultura
Keywords: Middle Horizon, Cañete Valley, Cerro del Oro, Architecture, Pottery, Funerary contexts


Archaeological Research at Cerro del Oro, Cañete Valley

The excavations at Cerro del Oro in the Cañete valley revealed an uninterrupted occupation sequence since the Early Intermediate Period. This huge archaeological complex acquires its monumental features about this time, but it also evidences significant changes during the Epoch 1 of the Middle Horizon Period, with the introduction of new cultural patterns. This preliminary report tries to identify these social changes in their cultural expression.


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How to Cite
Ruales, M. (2000). Investigaciones en Cerro del Oro, valle de Cañete. Boletín De Arqueología PUCP, (4), 359-399.