Rules for authors

For more information regarding the journal’s format and style, please check the Style Guide for the Boletín de Arqueología PUCP

The Boletín de Arqueología PUCP is a journal that publishes unpublished studies of Peru and Latin America on theoretical and methodological issues and materials analyses, ranging amongst other subjects from disciplines such as archaeology, ethnohistory, anthropology and physical anthropology, to linguistics, archaeometry, art history, geoarchaeology, and heritage studies. Interdisciplinary contributions are particularly welcome. The Editorial Team that reviews the manuscripts reserves the right to reject or return any material due to its inappropriate subject or quality, excessive size, or unacceptable style.

Authors and guest editors are responsible for the content of their articles; the veracity and correct attribution of their direct quotations and illustrations, charts and figures, in accordance with copyright observance; the due sharing of authorship between co-authors; and the preparation of manuscripts in an appropriate format for publication.

1.    Types of Manuscripts

The Boletín de Arqueología PUCP receives the following types of contributions:

Research articles: this includes unpublished research on theory and practice that discuss relevant issues regarding the disciplines on which the journal focuses, and whose results entail a significant advance in their field.

Review Articles: this includes articles analysing or updating a specific subject based on the collection and review of the available and relevant information on this very subject.

Case Studies or Reports: reports of theoretical research, excavations or materials analysis which include data or preliminary interpretations relevant to their subject can be included here.

Critical Book Reviews: this includes reviews of publications made at the request of the editors or book authors, or by independent researchers.

Thematic Issues: these are collections of research papers that focus on a specific subject. These articles can be the outcome of symposia and thematic roundtables organised by Peruvian or foreign researchers, and were originally presented in locally and internationally renowned academic conferences. Thematic issues can likewise be entrusted by the journal to one or more guest editors. In both cases the journal works with guest editors.

2.    Manuscript Submission

The Boletín de Arqueología PUCP receives individual manuscript all year long. The journal likewise receives contributions as collections that approach a specific subject through a series of articles written by specialists, and which are compiled by guest editors.

Authors and guest editors must submit their manuscripts following the format and style detailed in the following sections.

Manuscripts must be submitted only through the submission platform in our webpage.

3.    The Editorial Process

All manuscripts received are reviewed by members of the Editorial Team, who then decide their relevance in accordance with the journal’s editorial policy. Manuscripts that pass this first filter are submitted for peer revision, which is a double-blind process (both parties remain anonymous).

Manuscripts are accepted or rejected based on their peer review (within six to eight weeks after their submission). Manuscripts can be accepted with minor or major changes, and are sent to their authors for the inclusion of the above-mentioned changes. Authors must submit the corrected manuscripts within four weeks. This corrected draft must include a letter or email replying to the observations made by the reviewers.

Manuscripts that have been corrected by their authors can be accepted for publication, or undergo a second peer review; this will depend on the observations made in the first review and the corrections made to these comments.

Manuscripts that have been accepted will undergo a final process of copyediting based on the journal’s format.

The whole editorial process takes between four and six months.

4.    General Format of Manuscripts

Articles must be written in Word, in A4-sized pages. Use a 1.5 line spacing in all sections including abstracts, direct quotations, acknowledgements, references, notes, figure captions, headings of tables and the text inside the tables.

Manuscripts must be submitted using a single size 12 font.

The maximum size allowed for all manuscripts depends on their type:

Research articles: 8000 words (including all sections).

Review articles: 6500 words

Case studies or case reports: 4500 words

Critical book reviews: 3000 words

Two or more drafts of the same article will not be accepted. Authors are responsible for submitting their manuscripts with complete specifications and in a single, final draft.

Sections must follow the following outline:

- Cover page with the manuscript’s title and the name and information of its author(s) (page 1)

- Spanish abstract and keywords (on a separate page)

- English abstract, including the title and keywords in English (on a separate page)

- Text (on a separate page)

- Acknowledgements (optional, on the last page of the text)

- Endnotes (on a separate page)

- References (on a separate page)

- List of figure captions (on a separate file)

- Figures in separate files, in JPG or TIFF format.

- List of table captions (on a separate file)

- Tables in Excel format (each table on a separate sheet)

5.    Manuscript Specifications

Cover page

The title must be in uppercase, the name of the author(s) and their references (institutional affiliation, email and ORCID if available) must be centred. Examples:

Juliana Gómez a

a Universidad de Caldas, Departamento de Antropología y Sociología


Dr. Amy Oakland Rodman b

b California State University, Hayward, Art Department

Abstract and keywords

Abstracts in Spanish and English must have each up to 250 words. The English abstract must include the title in English. Each abstract must include five keywords.


All graphic materials—except for tables—are included under «figures», be they photographs, drawings, graphs, maps or the like. Figures must have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Whenever figures include text (captions inside them), authors must ensure that it is in Spanish, in a font of a size and colour that allow it to be easily read.

Manuscripts must have 15 figures at most. The maximum size allowed for a figure is 15 cm by 21 cm. In exceptional cases, the maximum size of a figure may be all of a page in horizontal layout.

Maps must include the compass arrow, a graphic scale and coordinates. Maps and plans must be submitted in JPG or TIFF format with the above-mentioned specifications. No files will be accepted in Corel Draw, AutoCAD, Adobe Illustrator, ArcGis or similar formats.

The list of figure captions must be sent in a Word file separate from the manuscript. Captions must include a general description of each of the images, and a specific description should it be a composite figure. Should figures include keys, abbreviations or technical terms (e.g., graphs), then the caption must include enough information to allow the data shown in them to be understood.

All captions must give its/their author(s). When the image was produced by another author, the captions must include the author and its original source. It should also be stated whether the figures have been taken from their source or have been adapted. Evidence must likewise be included that the original author has granted permission to publish the image.


All tables must be submitted as a file separate from the manuscript in Excel format, and in their final version. Tables must not be larger than an A4 page whenever possible.

The list of table captions must be sent as a Word file separate from the manuscript, and must include the authorship of every table. Captions must include enough information to understand each individual table.


The (optional) Acknowledgements section is included in the manuscript at the end of the text immediately before the references. All of the help received throughout the research for the manuscript and its preparation is usually acknowledged, be it financial, intellectual or technical (e.g. the preparation of the figures or the translation of the article).

Bibliographic References

The bibliographical reference section must appear at the end of the manuscript, starting on a new page and it must be single-spaced. Each entry must be listed in alphabetical order and a line must separate each entry from the following one.

The list of references must follow the guidelines of the Boletín de Arqueología PUCP’s Style Guide, as well as the format of the latest issues published. Authors are responsible for the correct and complete list of their contribution’s references.

Each entry must likewise include the DOI link at the end of each reference if appropriate.


Adams, B. y J. Byrd (eds.) (2008). Recovery, analysis, and identification of Commingled Human Remains, Humana Press, Nueva York.

Bello, S. M., A. Thomann, M. Signoli, O. Dutour y P. Andrews (2006). Age and sex bias in the reconstruction of past population structures, American Journal of Physical Anthropology 129, 24-38.

Vega-Centeno, R. (2015b). Los primeros resultados del Proyecto Arqueológico Maranga-Lima, ponencia presentada al II Congreso Nacional de Arqueología, Ministerio de Cultura, Lima.

White, T. y P. Folkens (2005). The human bone manual, Elsevier Inc, San Diego.

Shipment Checklist

Instructions for Authors:

The Boletín de Arqueología PUCP uses the OJS (Open Journal Systems) platform for authors to submit article proposals.

New authors must have an account in this platform and should either click on “Send an article” in the webpage’s right-hand upper corner, or above it where it says “Register”. Authors must enter their personal information, email, and a password.

Once they have a username, authors are able to access the OJS platform and begin the submission process. The previous steps can be skipped if they already have an account.

In their account, authors must first click the “Submission” tab, and then click on “New Submission”.

Here authors must fill in the required fields, such as language and what section the article is being submitted to, and must likewise accept the privacy conditions, click on “submission requirements” and state their role, in this case “Author”.

Once the first page is completed, please click on “Save and continue”.

Authors must likewise enter the article’s title and abstract, their biographical data and the keywords, which must be separated by a comma.

The article’s manuscript must be uploaded in the following page in Word format.

Here authors must likewise upload all of their manuscript’s additional files, such as images, figures, lists, tables, etc.

Once the form is complete click on “Finalise submission”.

For more details, please review the Guidelines for Authors to facilitate the uploading of your manuscripts to the Open Journal Systems platform, which can be accessed by clicking here.