Iconografía tiwanaku en la parafernalia inhalatoria de los Andes centro-sur

  • Constantino M. Torres Florida International University
Keywords: Tiwanaku, Iconography, Hallucinogenic, Snuffing equipment, Geographical distribution


Tiwanaku Iconography in South Central Andean Snuffing Paraphernalia

This work presents an analysis of Tiwanaku iconography depicted on snuffing equipment, referring to other media when appropriate. This hallucinogenic equipment facilitates a basic study of Tiwanaku's iconographic configuration because of its specific function, duration and widespread distribution. The snuffing kit consists of a distinct set of implements: a small rectangular tray, a snuffing tube, a small spoon, and leather pouches that functioned as snuff powder containers. I have documented 84 snuff trays and 23 snuffing tubes with Tiwanaku iconography. Their geographical distribution is noted and the major themes represented are discussed. This is followed by an analysis of the components of the iconographic system, a discussion of the different structural schemes and variations in thematic emphasis.


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How to Cite
Torres, C. (2001). Iconografía tiwanaku en la parafernalia inhalatoria de los Andes centro-sur. Boletín De Arqueología PUCP, (5), 427-454. https://doi.org/10.18800/boletindearqueologiapucp.200101.016