Wari y Cajamarca

  • Shinya Watanabe Nanzan University
Keywords: Wari, Cajamarca, Pottery, El Palacio complex


Wari and Cajamarca

This article summarizes the archaeological evidence for Wari presence in the Cajamarca basin, of Peru's north highlands. Artifacts from a private collection are discussed. Wari presence seems to be limited to a defined area, and totally absent outside it. Wari contact does not seem to have interrupted local Cajamarca culture, that continued uninterrupted development.


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How to Cite
Watanabe, S. (2001). Wari y Cajamarca. Boletín De Arqueología PUCP, (5), 531-541. https://doi.org/10.18800/boletindearqueologiapucp.200101.019