Museum and community: reflections from the management of the sanctuary of Pachacamac

  • Denise Pozzi-Escot Museo Pachacamac, Ministerio de Cultura del Perú

Keywords: Heritage management, Museums, Community, State, Museum education


As one of the archaeological sites with the most extended historical continuity in the Peruvian territory, the archaeological sanctuary of Pachacamac has become a meeting and learning space that offers residents the opportunity to participate in a series of cultural and educational activities, as well as workshops. Integrating approaches from the new museology and considering it essential to prioritize the needs of the communities surrounding the archaeological sites that we manage, in this article, we characterize and reflect on how we have transformed our management and thus the relationship between the community, the museum, and the archaeological site.


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How to Cite
Pozzi-Escot, D. (2023). Museum and community: reflections from the management of the sanctuary of Pachacamac. Boletín De Arqueología PUCP, (32), 54-71.