Dress and Dissent: Resistance and Visibility From the Experience of Three Peruvian Activists

  • Fabiola Bustamante Almonte Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

    Fabiola Bustamante es licenciada en Publicidad por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) con estudios en Fashion Management y Comunicación de Moda (Universidad del Pacífico e instituto Polimoda de Florencia). Tiene entre sus líneas de investigación el arte textil como patrimonio cultural.

  • Raisa Ferrer Pizarro Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

    Raisa Ferrer es licenciada en Comunicación para el Desarrollo por la PUCP y magíster en Gestión Pública por la Universidad de Potsdam de Alemania. Su principal tema de interés radica en cómo las decisiones públicas y los discursos hegemónicos impactan la cotidianeidad de las personas.

Keywords: Communication, Dressing, Non-hegemonic bodies, Activism, Identity


This exploratory article analyzes in a qualitatively way clothing trajectories of people who inhabit non-hegemonic bodies and participate in spaces of feminist activism. A series of interviews were carried out with the objective of knowing first-hand experiences in which clothing is used as a tool to actively raise transgressive messages that claim their identities. During the interviews we could also understand how subjectivities are configured on the margins of a society like Peru, where getting dressed responds to tacit and strict rules and fashion is ad-dressed to hegemonic bodies that also fit binarism.


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How to Cite
Bustamante Almonte, F., & Ferrer Pizarro, R. (2019). Dress and Dissent: Resistance and Visibility From the Experience of Three Peruvian Activists. Conexión, (12), 91-112. https://doi.org/10.18800/conexion.201902.006