Learning Assessment in Higher Education: academic contributions for Spanish-speaking teachers

  • Ana Carolina Maldonado Fuentes Universidad del Bío-Bío

    Profesora de Castellano (1993), Licenciada en Estética (1993), Magíster en Ciencias de la Educación mención Evaluación (1999) y Doctora en Educación (2021). Académica del Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación de la Facultad de Educación y Humanidades de la Universidad del Bío-Bío desde 2008. Beca CONICYT- Doctorado Nacional/2017-21170257 (2017-2020). Coinvestigadora FONIDE FON181800090 (2018-2021). Investigadora responsable FONDECYT INICIACIÓN 112200291 (2022-2025).
    Correo electrónico: amaldonado@ubiobio.cl 

  • Francisco Rodriguez Alveal Universidad del Bío-Bío

    Doctor en Educación, docente e investigador de la Universidad del Bío-Bío. Participación en proyectos como investigador principal y co-investigador relacionados con formación inicial docente en Estadística, Comprensión Lectora, TIC que han permitido publicar en revistas Wos, Scopus y Scielo. Co-investigador en un proyecto FONIDE (2018-2021). Actualmente desarrollando un proyecto Fondecyt de Iniciación relacionado con Alfabetización y Pensamiento Estadístico.
    Correo electrónico: frodriguez@ubiobio.cl

Keywords: Educational assessment, Learning assessment, Assessment literacy, Teacher training, Documentary review


The objective of this study was to investigate Learning Assessment as an integral part of the professional knowledge required for educators to assess whether educational objectives have been met at the tertiary level. A comprehensive literature review was conducted, analyzing academic sources within the Web of Science database from 2017 to 2021, resulting in a collection of 56 papers in Spanish. Following the application of rigorous double-blind inclusion and exclusion criteria, content analysis was performed on 17 publications that encompassed a range of approaches. Notably, prevalent among these were the concepts of formative assessment, assessment for learning, and the incorporation of feedback in pedagogical innovations. However, more robust theoretical frameworks based on concep-tual and historical foundations were less frequently encountered. Consequently, this study marks a departure from the conventional perspective on traditional learning assessment, signaling a fresh approach to enhancing assessment literacy among Spanish-speaking educators in the domain of Higher Education.


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How to Cite
Maldonado Fuentes, A. C., & Rodriguez Alveal, F. (2023). Learning Assessment in Higher Education: academic contributions for Spanish-speaking teachers. Educacion, 32(63), 99-120. https://doi.org/10.18800/educacion.202302.A005