Salud y desempeño escolar: un estudio cuantitativo exploratorio de escolares en Huay-Huay, Perú

  • Lee Fergusson Maharishi International University

    M.A., Ph.D. from Maharishi International University - U.S.A. Professor of Vedic Science, Education and Sustainability at Maharishi Vedic Research Institute, and Program Director of the Master of Professional Studies (Research) at University of Southern Queensland, Australia. Lee is the author and editor of 12 books, including Living Peace: The Contribution of Maharishi Vedic Science to Global Security (2020), Redefining Sustainability (2019), What a Waste: Studies in Anthropogenic Sources of Pollution (2016), and Red Mud Futures: Repurposing One of the World’s Largest Industrial Waste By-products (2015). Lee’s research on education, psychology, health, systems science, sustainability, and the environment has been published in over 100 international journals, including Asian Journal of Chemistry, History of Education, Journal of Environmental and Analytical Toxicology, Journal of Environmental Quality, Reflective Practice, Journal of Work-Applied Management, Perceptual and Motor Skills, Social Science Perspectives Journal, Studies in Asian Social Science, and Higher Education Research and Development.

  • Javier Ortiz Cabrejos Maharishi Vedic University

    Postgraduate in Vedic Architecture and Urban Planning at Maharishi Vedic University. Graduated in Sustainable Architecture from the University of Salamanca, Spain. Independent Researcher and Director of "Instituto Maharishi de Ciencia y Tecnología del Perú". Peruvian architect, urban planner, educator, poet and lecturer in human development. He has lectured at universities and institutions in over 30 countries and developed educational programs for colleges and universities in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Bogota, and Medellin, as well as for schools and universities in Peruvian cities such as Lima, Callao, Cusco, Trujillo, Arequipa, Huancayo, Iquitos, and Puno, and has led Latin American projects in Consciousness-Based Education in 60 schools for more than 50,000 students. Javier’s work has appeared in Ajos & Zafiros, Imaginario de Arte, and Arquitextos, and he is one of the few experts in Vedic Architecture in Latin America.

  • Anna Bonshek Maharishi Vedic Research Institute

    Ph.D., MA, Higher Diploma, BA (Hons). Professor of Art and Vedic Science at Maharishi Vedic Research Institute in Australia. Contributing editor to the 60-volume series Consciousness, Literature and the Arts, published by Brill in the Netherlands, and adjunct Associate Professor in Vedic Science and Art at Maharishi International University in Fairfield, Iowa. Author of two widely cited books, Mirror of Consciousness: Art, Creativity and Veda, and The Big Fish: Consciousness as Structure, Body and Space, is the editor of many other books, including The Unmanifest Canvas: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on Art, Creativity and Perception, and has published research in international journals, such as Education and Research Perspectives, Higher Education Research and Development, College Student Journal, and Journal of Instructional Psychology. Founding member of Maharishi Vastu Alliance, an international alliance of Vedic architects and town planners.

Palabras clave: Perú, Salud, Desempeño escolar, Meditación trascendental


La escasez de datos en los niños en edad escolar en general, y en las escuelas no occidentales específicamente, relacionados con la salud, el rendimiento escolar y la práctica de la meditación, requirió este estudio. El hecho de que casi ninguna investigación previa de este tipo se haya realizado en América Latina hace que la presente investigación sea especialmente valiosa. Este estudio, en su mayoría cuantitativo, se llevó a cabo con 91 escolares seleccionados al azar, con edades comprendidas entre los 11 y los 16 años, en un remoto pueblo peruano en las montañas centrales de los Andes llamado Huay-Huay. Utilizando un instrumento de papel y lápiz de 47 preguntas para preguntar a los estudiantes sobre su experiencia con la meditación en cuatro categorías (es decir, salud física, salud cognitiva, salud emocional y desempeño escolar), este estudio observacional consideró si la práctica de la meditación tuvo un impacto autoinformado en la salud personal y la vida académica de los estudiantes y, de ser así, en qué medida. Los datos indican que la mayoría de los niños en Huay-Huay reportaron beneficios en todas las medidas, y estos aparentemente fueron más fuertes cuando los estudiantes practicaron la meditación con más regularidad. Los informes cualitativos apoyan estas conclusiones. El género y el nivel de grado no parecieron influir en este resultado.

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Cómo citar
Fergusson, L., Ortiz Cabrejos, J., & Bonshek, A. (2021). Salud y desempeño escolar: un estudio cuantitativo exploratorio de escolares en Huay-Huay, Perú. Educación, 30(59), 65-89.