ISSN: 0251-3420
e-ISSN:  2305-2546

Derecho PUCP, founded in 1944, publishes legal or interdisciplinary unpublished and original research articles, which are revised by external peers who have previously published similar researches. The evaluations are made anonymously (double blind system) and are about the quality and the validity of the arguments showed on the articles. It has three sections: (i) Main Section, (ii) Miscellaneous and (iii) Interdisciplinary.

Derecho PUCP frequency is semi-annual, appearing, both in its physical support and in its digital version, on the first day of the publication period. The first issue covers the period from June to November, and the second, from December to May.

This journal is included in the folowing indexes, databases, directories, and catalogues: Scopus, Redalyc, SciELO Perú, Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science), Erih Plus, Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP), Dialnet, Worldcat, Hein Online, Primo Central, Latindex, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), JournalTOCS, BASE, CLASE, EbscoHost, Cengage Learning, Vlex, REBUIN, La Referencia y ALICIA (Concytec).

If you want to publish in our journal, review our calls, the review process, and the instructions to authors.

Current Issue

No 93 (2024): Constitutional Law

Click here to download full version (December-May) PDF

Published: 2024-11-27
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