ISSN: 1019-9403 
e-ISSN: 2304-4322 


Educación is the academic journal of the School of Education of Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) aimed at spreading scientific production in the area of education through original and unpublished research papers that report on the results of empirical research projects, evaluative intervention studies, or diagnostic studies; systematic reviews of literature on education topics, as well as essays on education-related subjects and book reviews. Educación is a space for the exchange of ideas and for the domestic and global dissemination of educational topics among academia and the public, seeking to contribute to the quality of education. Since its foundation, in 1992, Educación is published semi-annually, in March and September; in printed form since 1992 and, electronically since 2009. The research work submitted to the journal must be unpublished and is subject to a double-blind peer review process by national and international colleagues.


Academic indices: Scielo Perú, Latindex, IRESIE (Índice de Revistas de Educación Superior e Investigación Educativa).

Databases, catalogues, and directories: Dialnet, QUALIS, BASE, CLASE,EbscoHost, Gale Cengage, JournalTOCs, Worldcat, REDIB, ERIHPLUS, DOAJ, Dimensions, LatinREV.


Current Issue

Vol 34 No 66 (2025)

Haga clic aquí para descargar la revista completa (Octubre - Marzo): PDF

Published: 2025-03-18


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