ISSN: 0254-9247 
e-ISSN:  2223-3733


The Journal of Psychology of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru was founded in 1983 with the aim of promoting the exchange of research and intellectual work between psychologists and other specialists. Throughout the last 35 years, the journal has been published twice a year without interruption, on June 30th and December 30th, and has evolved according to the scientific trends in the global community.


The Journal of Psychology aims to publish original articles related to psychology and based on empirical, theoretical, or applied research. The journal also accepts review papers; book reviews; technical notes regarding scientific, ethical, or professional themes; and information about significant events as well as the institutional development of the field of Psychology.


The Journal of Psychology aims to meet the needs of an international audience, it provides information about mental processes and behavior, taking into account the array of variables associated with multicultural contexts and diverse cultural traditions.


The viewpoints stated within the articles of the Journal of Psychology are strictly the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Editor or the Editorial Committee. Therefore, the Journal of Psychology does not assume responsibility for any offense or harm done to people or entities, neither by error or neglect, nor for the misuse of methods, materials, and interpretations written in this publication. The members of the Review Committee do not have any type of work, academic, or personal relationship with the authors.


It´s the only Peruvian scientific journal of psychology indexed in PsycINFO and SCOPUS. Recognition of the Colegio de Psicólogos del Perú in 2010 for the best scientific Peruvian journal.


Currently the Journal of Psychology is indexed in PsycINFO, SCOPUS, Scielo Perú, Latindex, PEPSIC, DOAJ, Cengage Learning, Dialnet, Ebsco Host, BASE, Exlibris Primo Central, WorldCat, CLASE, Journal TOCS, RedALyC y PSICODOC.


If you would like to contribute your work to our journal, please review the peer-review processinstructions to authors as well as the ethical standards.

Current Issue

Vol 43 No 1 (2025)
Published: 2025-01-03


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